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About Us


The love for the art and weaves of India is the foundation of Soul India. We present the magnificent treasure arts of the country with a blend of our style & vision to suit the needs of urban India. We source our products directly from the weavers and artists and bring authentic, genuine and exclusive products for you.

Our Mission

No one likes familiarity when it comes to dressing or decorating their house.  If you too are one of them then you are at the right place, as our aim is to spoil you for choices with our authentic ,unique & refreshing collection. Our products are handpicked from weavers and artisans & we work in close association with them to bring the most exclusive products at reasonable prices.

Our Goal

One of our major goals is to bring the lost art forms of India to the fore. Indian culture is diverse and so is its art. We aim to bring all those arts in a common platform where we can sync in modern India with its traditional arts and weaves.


  Our Journey 

Seed    (The Beginning)

The root of Soul India is Indian art but its seed was sown by a very modest artist. The story of how his skillful art was being neglected made us ponder. One thing led to another and Soul India was born.

Sprout  (Our First Collection)

We had started collaborating with many weavers and artists of AP, Orissa, Bihar and Bengal. This is when we worked on our own featured collection by creating a fusion of new ideas with the original art techniques.

Bud ( Launch)

We stated selling our products on Amazon as seller and got great response and love from the customers. We also started participating in various exhibitions in various cities like Chennai, Kolkata, Vizag, Goa and got lots of accolades for our products .

Flower (Launching Our Website)

 We launched our own website and also acquired our trademark. We had built a  weavers and artists network. We have also been lucky  to have a strong customer base who become a part of Soul India family .

Fruit  (onward & Upward)

We have been going steady and strong since then. Along with such dexterous & creative people by our side we will keep bringing the best of our craft with lots of love woven with it.